For immediate response to all enquiries, and fast and efficient processing of your order using credit card payment over the phone, please phone the store on 07 46385565. Alternatively, head to our Contact Us page and send an email using form provided.
Southern Cross Militaria is a licenced Firearm Dealer (#50001456) for Category A, B, C, D, H & M. Category M on a Firearm Licence is required to purchase crossbows. If you are interested in attending a Crossbow Safety Course, in order to apply for Category M Licence, please contact us and we will pass on some details to you.
If you are looking for a specific crossbow, give us a call & we will order it for you.
If you are looking for a specific crossbow, give us a call & we will order it for you.

Crossbow Carbon Bolts - 20"
Price $15.50 each plus postage
Price $15.50 each plus postage

Osprey Redzone "Hunter" Bow Bag
Price $65 plus postage
Price $65 plus postage

Auxiliary Cocking Rope
Bearing up draw weight 250lb
Price $41 plus postage
Bearing up draw weight 250lb
Price $41 plus postage

Bohning Lightning Lube - 7.4ml
High performance crossbow rail lube.
Will not collect dirt and grit.
Price $25 plus postage
High performance crossbow rail lube.
Will not collect dirt and grit.
Price $25 plus postage