For immediate response to all enquiries, and fast and efficient processing of your order using credit card payment over the phone, please phone the store on 07 46385565. Alternatively, head to our Contact Us page and send an email using form provided.
Need a Uniform!!!!

Southern Cross Militaria has hundreds of original uniform items for sale. Unfortunately, due to a lack of display space, the majority of our uniforms are in storage. If there is something special you would like to see and are coming to the store, please let us know and we can have it ready for viewing. On this webpage is just a small selection of what we have available. Email us from our "Contact Us" page if there is something you require but don't see here.
Wholesale enquiries welcome. Feel free to call Darren on 07 4638 5565 during business hours.
Wholesale enquiries welcome. Feel free to call Darren on 07 4638 5565 during business hours.
Please click on a link below to find what you are looking for -
Tunics, Jackets & Jumpers
Trousers & Shorts
Great Coats
Miscellaneous Items
Tunics, Jackets & Jumpers
Trousers & Shorts
Great Coats
Miscellaneous Items